National Assembly Members have been allocated a whopping D81,840,000 for house rent, responsibility, residential, robing, telephone, sitting, and constituency allowances for 2025.
According to the adopted estimates of government expenditure for the incoming year, the Speaker will receive D1,200,000 in responsibility, residential, professional and robing allowances, and a further D108,000 telephone allowance to be shared with his deputy.
D10,260,000 is allocated to the representatives for house rent and D8,910,000 for sitting allowances. They will also receive D34,800,000 in basic car allowances and D22,260,000 constituency allowances. The clothing allowances for the legislators will jump from D672,000 in 2024 to D1,152,000 in 2025. Nominated members will also receive D2,100,000 responsibility allowances while the majority and minority leaders will pocket D510,000 and their deputies D240,000.